Shaun O Connor

Articles on media, psychology, creativity and other happening stuff.


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5 Responses to “About”

  1. baz said

    Are you the person who wrote the DP manual? If you are, I’d would very much like to thank you for doing so. You have helped me a great deal. Thank you. I would also like to suggest something regarding the manual, if you have the time, please email me to discuss this further(

    Take care,


  2. Paul said

    If I may second the above comment. Your book gave me the strenght to get through my DP and now I’m a studnet mental health nurse!

  3. Marissa said

    I wanted to third that, and that I also enjoy your blog! I’m still working on my depression problems, but it was great to find your stuff on the net.

  4. Bella said

    Yes, thank you so much for your manual. It is a source of strength and encouragement for me every single day. If you ever wonder why you went through your experience, it was at least in part so you could help people like me. Is there a way to contact you if we have additional questions about your experience?

  5. Jessica said

    If you are the DP manual writer first I would like to also thank you but, like Baz I would like to ask you some thing. I think it would be most helpful to include a example day/week in your book.

    Anyway thx again and back to my music and book.

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