Shaun O Connor

Articles on media, psychology, creativity and other happening stuff.

Posts Tagged ‘robert anton wilson’

How To Slow Down Time And Live Longer

Posted by shaunoc1 on March 19, 2008

In his article in New Dawn magazine, Steve Taylor outlines the human experience of how, bizarrely, time seems to pass more quickly as you get older.

We all know the anecdotal evidence; As we age, the birthdays come around faster every year, Christmas seems to blindside us altogether. But there is much more to verify this as a concrete phenomenon.Grandparents For example, scientists have long been aware of the psychological effect known as ‘forward telescoping’, or “our tendency to think that past events have happened more recently than they actually have.”

This occurs with alarming consistency; when questioned on the chronological proximity of a memorable event, say,the death of a public figure or a major international incident, people generally tend to consistently underestimate the length of time involved. Not only that, but the greater the age of the individual, the greater that underestimation tends to be. Put simply, the older you are, the more likely you are to think that events distant in the past have happened more recently.

The opposite seems to be true of children and younger people in general. The example Taylor uses is that of a restless child stuck in a car on a long journey – the trip will seem to them like a massive, neverending expedition. The space between each “Are we there yet?”, while mere minutes to the parents, seem like wide temporal gaps to the youngsters, who judge it as a perfectly reasonable interim after which to pose the question yet again.

There are multiple theories that attempt to explain this phenomenon. The first involves the human metabolism: A child’s body operates at a much faster rate than an adult’s in terms of blood flow, heart rate, expansion etc. The theory asserts that this directly affects the child’s perception of the world; the child’s metabolism is moving like a cheetah, and the mind is analogous. So if what happens around the kid is anything less than whizz-bang, then boredom sets in and time seems to move more slowly than usual.

The second theory appears more feasible to me at least, and yet not incompatible with the first. This one focuses purely on the psyche and says that how the perceive the passage of time is directly related to how much information we are experiencing at any given time. As Taylor says, “The speed of time seems to be largely determined by how much information our minds absorb and process – the more information there is, the slower time goes.” He refers to an experiment in which students were played two pieces of music; one, a sparse Brian Eno composition, the other a frenetic Rachmaninov arrangement. Asked to guess the running times, the students overestimated the length of both – the Eno by 32 seconds, the Rach by over a minute.

The conclusion would seem to be that when we take in more information, time slows down. Our cognitive processes seem to pull back and allow the data to wash over them, absorbing it. And yet, the neurons are firing like crazy, generating new associations, assimilating the new information. It seems as if this joyous participation with the universe, this tiny step closer to oneness, can slow down time itself.

Dali CLockYou might say, “Ok, but that’s not really altering time, is it? Folks around you aren’t going to start walking in slow motion or running at 10x normal speed.” But think about it for a second. How is it that we experience time? We, as humans, only ever experience the here and now. Ideas of the “past” and the “future” are nothing more than constructs and exist nowhere outside of mental abstractions. Much of the science of Buddhism is based around ridding oneself of those tangential thoughts and simply living in the moment (but, of course, that’s a lot harder than it sounds).

So if we think of “time” as nothing more than a way to describe our moment-to-moment existence, then what have we? Well, if we can alter the feeling of how much time has passed between one glance at your watch and the next (the connection to the construct), then, we have altered our moment-to-moment existence, right? And, by that rationale, we have altered time. You don’t need to get into wild notions of Matrix motions; you have the full ability to slow down time, in a perfectly literal sense.

As already mentioned, this should ideally be done by the absorption of information. That sounds awfully dry; what I mean is the act of throwing yourself into the world around you; literature, media, politics, film, psychology, sex, music, society, everything. Sometimes, you get bit by the creative bug and become a filter for this information, pulling data out, connecting it, making fun new things just like you did with Lego and Plah-Doh when you were a kid (Keep the Play-Doh of the sex, though. Just a suggestion.). If we can fill our little worlds up with these things, then time slows down. Life becomes a matter of urgency; there is no time to waste when there’s so much going on, and it’s essential to squeeze the juice out of every last minute.

The effect can also be pharmacologically induced. For example, the psychedelic experience (LSD, Mushrooms) has often been compared to feeling the wonderment of infancy again. One tripper states, “My trip on mushrooms is simply indescribable. The only way I can relate it to people who haven’t done it is that I felt like a child again. Everything was new, beautiful and had some deep and significant meaning.” Indeed, the psychedelic experience seems to be an intense compression of experience; diving through vast volumes of information, whether good or bad. It opens up the creative pathways of the mind, blows out the accumulated cobwebs of cynicism and allows one to interact as excitedly with the world as one did before the jaded mores of state education took root. The only problem is that, if you don’t feel comfortable with this experiential compression, it can quickly become terrifying beyond reason. Suddenly, the information makes no sense, the thoughts become pure staccato, and the feeling of connectedness is reversed to a feeling of utter isolation – a bad trip.

(Just as a side note, I recently watched the original version of The Hitcher, a superb 1986 thriller about a killer, played by Rutger Hauer, chasing a young man, C. Thomas Howell, across the highways of Arizona. In the director’s commentary, Robert Harmon says that what Hauer is doing is educating the protagonist; in that in this single 48-hour stretch of total horror, he is putting the kid through more than most people will even experience in their lives. And he will be wiser and more learned for it. In a sense, Hauer is doing this naive kid a favour by putting him through this nightmare…)

Because oddly, time can seem to slow down to a crawl at the other end of the spectrum too – when the mind and/or body is in pain. Einstein said “When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems likeAbu Ghraib a minute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute – and it’s longer than any hour. That’s relativity.” (Another example: People with depressive illnesses are often prescribed SSRI medication, which require a three month minimum before the patient can say objectively whether they are feeling better. To most people 90 days would fly by. But for the depressive, on a medication they are not sure will even work, this can seem like an eternity.) Most forms of torture, and particularly solitary confinement, are based on generating this effect. For all the modern Abu Ghraib innovations in the art of torture, the simple act of throwing someone into a pitch-black room for days, weeks, month, years on end is an incredibly potent way to inflict psychic torment on another human being.

Deprived of any external input, the brain perceives time as passing at in interminably slow rate. Though in one sense experientially similar, it is the fundamental opposite to the states of child-like fascination described at the beginning of this article. The brain does in the absence of information what the stomach does in the absence of food; it begins to consume itself. It invents all sorts of wild reveries to stave off the nothingness; nature abhors a vacuum and the mind will do anything to avoid that state.

In an excellent, harrowing BBC Horizon documentary called Total Isolation, we watched the effect of 48 hours of this type of isolation on six volunteers. In just this relatively short space of time, people panicked, paced their rooms endlessly like caged animals, sensed a “presence” in their rooms, and even had full-on hallucinations. Most importantly, however, they all lost their sense of time, and after a short while seemed to have no idea as to how much time had passed in the experiment. This made the experience all the more frightening; since they truly had no idea as to when they would get out. How long had passed? Twenty-four hours? Twelve hours? Six? Three? That total loss of connection with even the passage of time must be a truly horrendous thing to endure.

Going back to the Steve Taylor article, it seems that in the middle of these two extremes of childlike wonder and brutal despair, lies a middle road in which time runs at breakneck speed for the individual. That middle road is routine. Familiarity breeds contempt, and it also speeds things up considerably. For the person who gets up and repeats one day after the next with the same informational patterns, day-in and day-out, time is jet-propelled. And since most people’s lives are based on the 9-5, live-for-the-wage-packet patterns of modern office existence, then we can understand why the great majority of us are frustrated about our lives “flying past us”.

The thing is, routine seems so much easier than the constant investigation, thought and movement that is required for one to experience life in its “slow/fascinated” form. But of course, that’s not true at all. Each is nothing more than a habit, an association with pleasure formed in the neural patterns of the brain. The routine habit is perpetuated around us by a society that constantly pushes the idea of swift gratification – and the fact that public schooling tends to kill off one’s youthful love of learning. We associate learning with “work”, in the same vein as that office job we yearn to leave. But learning isn’t work. In fact, as Robert Anton Wilson once wrote, when done properly, it should feel like play.

If we can make that the habit, then we can become as children once again. We can get up in the mornings and look at the world anew, wide-eyed. We can feel endless fascination with the workings of every facet of the universe, just as we did when we were kids. We can take back the love of learning of which schooling and advertising has robbed us, bombard our senses daily with the joy of new experiences and connections – and by doing so, live longer, more fulfilled lives – regardless of how long we live.

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The Secret: Fact Or Fiction?

Posted by shaunoc1 on February 21, 2008

Rhonda Byrne’s book, “The Secret” – and the film of the same title – have become true global phenomenon. Millions of people around the world have purchased this guide in its various forms to get in on this Secretsupposedly life-changing, clandestine information.

It’s all based on the non-scientific “Law Of Attraction”. This theoretical law suggests that if and when you desire something, you must a) Ask the Universe for it, b) believe totally – and act – as if you already had the object of your desire and then c) wait. The book suggests that that which you long for will be with you before long. This can apply to everything; from a parking space outside the local Supermarket to that mansion to house you and your supermodel wife.

Of course, this mini-movement has many, many detractors. The fact that whole enterprise has virtually no scientific basis whatsoever is probably its Achilles’ Heel, at least for those who deem impirically measurable evidence a basis for belief. And that, as a self-contained theoretical argument, is fairly airtight.

But things are rarely as simple as that, at least in terms of actual human experience. The fractal, multi-layered nature of the mind, and how it moves and works, is something that all of science has only been able to accurately rationalize in a few fleeting bursts of brilliance. And even at that, many of those same theories are discounted in time and viewed as little more than historical curiosities (i.e., Freud’s fetish theory).

What something like “The Secret” does is offer the reader something much more simple and applicable; it lays out a practical set of instructions for achieving your hopes and dreams. It is a user’s manual for the mind.

And while many people, especially those of a particularly religious bent, are up in arms over the system’s seemingly Atheistic timbre, most have failed to notice that none of the information in the book is new. For example, Wallace D. Wattles wrote a book called “The Science Of Getting Rich” in 1910, which is essentially the inspiration for “The Secret” (but that applies more to the “monetary gain” side of  the theory). Indeed, the fundamental idea that what you believe in is what you experience, is not new at all. Robert Anton Wilson has made reference to it countless times in his work. One of his more famous examples is probably that of the number 23; Wilson proposed that this number was consistently used more than other numbers, and that if you kept your wits about you, you would notice this phenomenon too.

Robert Anton WilsonIn this statement, however, Wilson had an ulterior motive (as he almost always did). The basis for the experiment was not to find that, yes, 23 is indeed everywhere, but to understand that yes, 23 is indeed everywhere if you are looking for it. And so is everything else; wealth, opportunity, poverty, love, hate etc. The mind finds what it wants to find – or, as Wilson put it, “What the thinker thinks, the prover proves“.

I think that that single, beautiful axiom fairly explains, or at least, acts as a guide to a great amount of the human experience, with all its bizarre proclivities and aversions. The brain is a filtration system, and what you choose to filter is how you will see the universe.

“The Secret” seems to bypass explanation of this mechanism, and instead offers an overview, using different metaphors, of how simply to use it. It tells the reader that after they have decided upon a desire, they must think and act as if they already had it. Re-introducing Wilson’s theory, this is simply another way of telling the mind to look for evidence of your success, of the attainment of your goal, everywhere. If this is accomplished, you will have set up a miniature belief system, which, almost by definition, rejects any conflicting information (in the same way that someone on the lookout for 23 will all but ignore 1-22 and 24-infinity).

According to “The Secret”, this sets in motion a cosmic mechanism which will begin to draw that which you want inexorably towards you. This is what the book refers to as “The Law Of Attraction”. One might argue that this is not actually an ethereal attraction, but rather the end result of a mind that is trained to filter out all possibilities other than triumph. Sports psychologists have long been aware of this trend; it is rarely the physical exertion alone that wins a contest, but rather the mindset of the competitors. Any physician worth their salt knows that the patient’s mindset can totally overrule the physical prognosis, be it for better or worse.

In his book “The War Of Art”, Steven Pressfield describes how the very act of working creatively seems to generate all sorts of ‘lucky breaks’ for the author:

“A process is set in motion by which, inevitably and infallibly, heaven comes to our aid. Unseen forces enlist in our causes; serendipity reinforces our purpose.”

I have observed this myself first hand. When crafting something new, the most discrete elements regularly fall together in unpredicted harmony. Combinations of musical notes and chords arise as if by accident, video edits sync up to create effects that exceed your original expectations, ideas fall from the sky to tie two disparate, awkward paragraphs together. You can argue about the mathematics of chance all day, but the fact remains that this happens with alarming regularity. Deciding to create something seems to draw the Muses down from the heavens.

It seems especially astounding that many of the mental techniques described in “The Secret” are adaptations of methods considered “occult” not long ago. The entire process of Sigil Magick, for example, is War Of Artbased on deciding to do or get something, writing it down, warping the words into an image, mentally sending the image out into the ether… and then waiting for the actuality to come to you. Techniques like this were once used by social misfits like “The Great Demon” Aleister Crowley; now they are sold as part of a glossy movie with a tie-in book, and featured on Oprah.

Regardless of the metaphors used to describe the incredible results of human determination, the simple fact remains that the ability to harness it is a wonderful thing. And while some of the constructs in “The Secret” can come across as terribly overwrought at times, it is based on old information that people have used for centuries. It is certainly flawed in places, and offers rather simplistic views of, for example, why bad events sometimes befall people (they drew it upon themselves, apparently).

But at its heart, it is simply trying to say that good thoughts and good actions will bring good things. It implores that generosity is a supreme virtue. It advocates laughter, love and gratitude as essential tenets for a happy life. And no matter how OTT the presentation or dubious the science, anything that promotes those kinds of ideals has to be admired. As for the Law Of Attraction? Well, it might be cosmic movements and it might just be human determination. 

Whatever the case, if it looks like it works and it feels like it works, then it works.




Further Viewing:

“The Secret” – Entire film viewable on Google Video

“Robert Anton Wilson – Maybe Logic” – Entire film viewable on Google Video

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